- Is open to everybody
- Members fill in membership forms
- Forms contain a range of annual fees which can be paid at once, on monthly basis & quarterly but most preferred is monthly.
- Forms have 3 parts, A, B, and C
- Part A is for Volunteers and partners, Part B is for Corporate institutions, donors and individual businesses and Part C is for individual members who subscribe for membership.
- Membership fee drives KUHEM operations.
- Once a member, you enjoy the following benefits;
- Being one of the few to help the needy and voiceless suffering Malawians
- Having the ability to be voted into various board positions
- Attending KUHEM Annual board meetings
- Having a recognized voice during board meetings
- Having a less competitive chance of employment in KUHEM
- Fully entitled to free heath services offered by KUHEM Trust Clinics
- Attending workshops and seminars organized by KUHEM or other working partner
- KUHEM accepts volunteers from all fields especially healthy related.
- Other fields like marketing, ICT, Accounting, Agriculture are also welcomed in KUHEM
- Kuhem membership form in MK
- Kuhem Membership form in USD
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